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House In Good Condition

Some slight repairs could thoroughly change the face of this solid rural house. The property is situated in the area of Elhovo only 18 km from the town. Enjoy the beautiful unspoiled nature, fresh air and peaceful atmosphere that village can give! You can go hunting or fishing in the river passing by.
The house is quite spacious providing 140 sq m living area. Each floor has three rooms connected with a corridor. An outer staircase leads to the upstairs. There is no inner toilet but it could be build since there is enough space inside. The existing toilet is outside next to the house.
The garden included in the property is 1000 sq m.

ID: 1991
Stato della proprietа:  Venduto
Regione:  Elhovo
Prezzo in Euro:  €13,700
Prezzo in GBP:  £11,645
Prezzo in USD:  $13,974
Categoria:  Case
Area :  2 pavimenti
Grandezza terreno :  1,000m 2
Extra:  Elettricitа, Acqua
Ubicazione:  Fiume vicino, Sul fiume, In campagna, Vicino alla città, In zona di pesca, In zona di caccia
Pubblicato:  Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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