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Boutique Tourism In Bulgaria - Too Much Too Unreal

Most of the Bulgarians don't think that is possible Bulgaria to offer quality product in the sphere of boutique tourism, says data of a poll taken by and leaded by the end of March this year.

Round 30% of the asked Bulgarians respond negatively to the question is it possible to exist boutique tourism in Bulgaria. They believe that the common public-economy condition of the state will prevent this business.

Other 28% declared that is impossible for the boutique tourism to survive due to the lack of experience in servicing solvency tourists.

Less than 40% of the required are positive for such kind of tourism.

Almost 25% believe that there is a chance for Bulgaria to manage with the requirements of the high-class tourism, if the state is trying hardly to support the necessary standards.

There are also some 13% that consider local historical and cultural resources could support the boutique tourism.

5% of the asked Bulgarians believe that the state has chance to do it and should stimulate the development of the boutique tourism, because elite tourists are preferable to mass.