The average credit have increased with 44, 33%, CreditCenter data shows. The drawn loans for the first 6 months of 2008 year the average loan reached round 44, 800 EUR.In compare, for the same period in 2007 the Bulgarians have drawn the average credit of round 31, 100 EUR.The main reason for the big jump is hidden in the prices of real estates, the experts of CreditCenter explain.The property prices in Sofia have risen with near 50% under the influence of the people's migration from the smaller settlements towards the capital.The average credit taker works in the sphere of informational technologies and telecommunications or the state administration and finances between 80% and 90% of the buying of a real estate with loaned capital.The people more often draw credit in EUR for a term of over 25 years and interest between 6,4 and 7, 25% in EUR.The experts form CreditCenter expect increasing of the people who consider the prices of the properties in Bulgaria too high and might give up buying own house.