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Sofia City Hall Calls Tender To Extend Underground

Sofia city hall-owened metro operator Metropoliten called a new tender for the construction of a new section of the metro network, Dnevnik daily reported on April 7.

The previous tender for the section connecting Nadezhda junction with Cherni Vruh Boulevard was called at the turn of the year and later cancelled because no bidder offered an acceptable price.

Metropoliten will finance the project with European Union structural funds under operational programme Transport.

The new public procurement is divided into two lots. The first, linking Nadezhda junction to Patriarch Evtimii Boulevard, has a cost cap of 400.46 million leva, value-added tax (VAT) excluded. The second, between Patriarch Evtimii Boulevard and Cherni Vruh Boulevard, should be built for no more than 155.55 million leva, VAT excluded.

The tender participation guarantee is set at one million leva for the first lot and 0.3 million leva for the second, whereas the performance bond is set at five per cent of the contract's value.

Eligible candidates need to prove a minimum turnover of 200 million leva in each of the past three years. Participants also need to prove they can cover construction costs for the first six months.

Tender documentation costs 18 000 leva, VAT included. The deadline to submit bids is May 27 and all offers will be reviewed later that day.